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Utilidors Audio Broadcasting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> UAB Broadcast FAQ/Guidelines

·  I’ve registered and want to start listening to music. Can you explain the functions of the UAB console panels to me?
·  What media players are supported for listening to Utilidors Audio Broadcasting?
·  Am I limited as to which songs I can request? I noticed that certain sites offer a point based system for a user’s participation in other site-based activities in order to request tracks within a radio broadcast. Does UAB have such a thing?
·  When I make a request I get a message that says "Requests are Disabled due to Show in Progress". What is the reason for this message?
·  Great! :) I can request songs from the track library. What exactly are my limitations when it comes to requests?
·  I’m trying to request a song. How come I’m getting a notification that I’ve exceeded my hourly request limit?
·  I’ve just submitted a request. I don’t see it immediately playing. When can I expect my request to play?
·  Why, when I submit a request, do I keep getting a “Request Failed” Message?
·  When I submit a request nothing happens. I don’t get a confirmation as to whether my request was successful or failed. What’s the problem?
·  I keep getting disconnected after a certain number of hours, sometimes even around the same time each day. What is the reason for this?
·  I noticed that the currently playing track does not match what it says in my media player. Why is this and how do I fix it?
·  I’ve heard about your security features like the one you mentioned above. Can you tell me more about them?
·  I’m getting an “ic403 Unavailable” Error while attempting to tune into the broadcast Why is this? / I suspect that I’ve been banned. What can I do?
·  Can I acquire any of the content heard on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting in any way? I really like what I hear.
·  There are a lot of Disney Broadcasts on the Internet. What is the difference between UAB and others ?
·  Request Timing During Restarts
·  Is Utilidors Audio Broadcasting a business entity?
·  Where do the monetary profits from donations and merchandise sales go?
·  I really want to become involved in the UAB Broadcast. What can I do to help?
·  I want to submit a StationID/Voicespot. What do I need to do this?
·  When I make a request I get a message that says "Requests are Disabled" even though it's during normal rotation. Why is this?

·  I’ve registered and want to start listening to music. Can you explain the functions of the UAB console panels to me?

UAB’s interactive features consist of a set of links and consoles which can be found under the “Broadcast Navigation” Menu Block on the left hand side of your screen. They are as follows:

"Tune in Now!"
Click to tune into Utilidors Audio Broadcasting. Listening options are Economy (24K), First Class (64K) and Premiere Members Only (96K) broadcasts. Whether you’re on broadband or dialup (narrowband) you can always have access to UAB. Please note the Premiere Members Only broadcast is available to our financial contributors at the discretion of the Admin Team.

Now Playing
This console displays the currently playing track and all of its relative information. It also displays upcoming tracks, and the 10 most recently played with their relative information. If a song was a request, you will see the “requested" icon appear next to the relevant track along with the name of the community member that requested it.

Certain tracks will have a “Buy CD” icon next to it. If you see this icon, you can purchase a CD the track is on. Just follow the link and you’re all set. In addition, some tracks may contain additional content relating to an attraction. Should you see a "script" icon; this means that either song lyrics or an attraction script is available for viewing. If more information is available, a more information icon will appear. This will bring you to a listing dedicated to the attraction itself, including headshots of the Cast and Crew, historical write-ups, attraction stats, video of the attraction, trivia and so much more. For an example from “Horizons” at EPCOT Center, click here.

Now Playing Remote
This is a free floating page you can leave open and still have your original UAB page to do other things with such as making requests, visiting the forums, shopping at the Gift Shoppe, etc. This page will only show what’s currently playing and give you the ability to rank the current track. You will NOT see what is coming up or has recently played.

Make a Request
This is the console you’ll use to make your requests. It is here you’ll be able to search UAB’s extensive library of music, songs, and just for fun, attraction sound effects. You can search by attraction alphabetically when utilizing the “Letter Links at the top of the page. For a more specific search, you can search by attraction or Theme Park by the search bar also included at the top of the page. After you find a track you’d like to request you can click on the "request" button in order to submit your request. You’ll immediately be told if your request has failed or succeeded. Please read further regarding request successes and failures.

My Pending Requests
This is where you’ll see what you’ve requested and the estimated time your requests will play. Keep in mind during scheduled shows no requests will play until the show is complete.

My Pending Requests Remote
Like the “Now Playing Remote” page, My Pending Requests Remote is a free floating page that will show you your upcoming requests.

My Donations List
Here you will find a compilation of the flyer mile rewards you have accumulated on UAB, the date you acquired the rewards, the type of reward, and a brief description of why you were awarded the rewards. Flyer Mile rewards are accumulated for a few different reasons and you can find the breakdown on how we award rewards by clicking here. Your Passenger Status is also displayed here.

Recently Added
We’re forever adding new content to UAB. The recently added console will display the 25 most recently added tracks to our exclusive broadcast. You may also request these tracks from this page as well.

Top Users Stats
Here you will find such statistics as who our top track raters are, our top commenters are, our top donators are, our top frequent flyers and our top requesters are.

Top Tracks Stats
On this page you will find our all-time top requests, our top requests of the past 30 days and our top requests of the past 7 days. When you initially show the page you see the number one of each category. If you click on the drop downs, you can change how many tracks you see of each list.

Broadcast Schedule
Here you will find a complete listing of our weekly programming, show times for each show, as well as the host of each show. Special programming will also be listed as well along with its date and airtime.

Flyer Miles Rewards
This page will define how a UAB community member can accumulate flyer mile rewards by being active on the site. Some of the ways include donating to the site, purchasing from the Gift Shoppe, or submitting a Station ID. You will also find how you can “spend” your flyer mile rewards here.

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·  What media players are supported for listening to Utilidors Audio Broadcasting?

While your mileage may vary amongst certain media players out of the countless that are available, we only recommend using the following media players for the enjoyment of UAB. Use of other media players may yield undesired results. Should you be using an unauthorized media player, you may even be banned from listening.

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP: Winamp 5.X or higher itunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, and Quicktime
Mac: itunes
Linux and UNIX-based: xmms (most recent versions ONLY)

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·  Am I limited as to which songs I can request? I noticed that certain sites offer a point based system for a user’s participation in other site-based activities in order to request tracks within a radio broadcast. Does UAB have such a thing?

Yes we do. Due to the popularity of UAB we felt it was the right thing to do to honor our regular donators. You can accumulate or spend flyer mile rewards by being active throughout the site. To find out how flyer mile rewards are acquired or deducted, click here.

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·  When I make a request I get a message that says "Requests are Disabled due to Show in Progress". What is the reason for this message?

To alleviate a backlog of requests we disable requests when we are running scheduled shows. Once the show is over, requests are enabled again.

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·  Great! :) I can request songs from the track library. What exactly are my limitations when it comes to requests?

In order to keep things fair and balanced for all members of UAB, listeners are restricted to a specific request schedule. This is to avoid any one listener from taking over the broadcast for their own content. We are aware that some of our existing content is upwards of an hour long. Please note that these tracks will eventually be removed from the playlist and segmented for easier listening. Until then, they will remain in the rotation. If you REALLY want to listen to these lengthy tracks, please, we ask that you have some consideration for your fellow listeners especially during peak listening hours. If we find any listener monopolizing the broadcast with excessive hourly request times, that user could face disciplinary action as well as suspension or permanent removal from the Utilidors Audio Broadcasting Community.

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·  I’m trying to request a song. How come I’m getting a notification that I’ve exceeded my hourly request limit?

Utilidors Audio Broadcasting tracks requests by IP address. Because of this, any people behind a proxy server or multiple home computer systems sitting behind a router with a single internet connection will unfortunately have to share their request quota. Please note that we’re looking into our options for modification to a true “per user” base into the future.

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·  I’ve just submitted a request. I don’t see it immediately playing. When can I expect my request to play?

Due to policies contained within the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, any request made on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting will need to be delayed for a time period of no less than 1 hour. Unfortunately this is not our rule but something we must adhere to. We apologize for the inconvenience as technically this is beyond our control.

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·  Why, when I submit a request, do I keep getting a “Request Failed” Message?

The reasons for your request failing could be one of several reasons. The most common ones are.

    The track requested is already queued to play on UAB
    There is a connection problem to Utilidors Audio Broadcasting’s Broadcast Management system.
    You are requesting a track that has already played within a certain allotted timeframe and cannot be requested again until that allotted time threshold has passed. (Currently 12 hours)
    You may not have enough flyer mile rewards to request that song

If for some reason you’re getting another failure message that you aren’t sure about, please let us know so that we may be of some assistance.

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·  When I submit a request nothing happens. I don’t get a confirmation as to whether my request was successful or failed. What’s the problem?

When you submit a request, UAB will pop-up a small dialog box to let you know whether your request was successful or not. If you are not seeing this, chances are you have a pop-up blocker installed that’s preventing the appearance of the request status box. Please refer to your browser’s manual for disabling the pop-up blocking software

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·  I keep getting disconnected after a certain number of hours, sometimes even around the same time each day. What is the reason for this?

Disconnections may happen from time to time should a connection problem occur between your computer and the UAB servers. While we have yet to experience it, one MAY also experience frequent rebuffering and drops in the connection during peak hours of listening (broadcasting hours with many people connected to the broadcast).

Utilidors Audio Broadcasting’s licensing fees are calculated by the total number of listening hours for a given time period. To keep our broadcast efficient, we have a time-based threshold implemented on the broadcast.

If you’re UAB member that listens for a lengthy part of your day at work or at home and you tune in at the same time every day and notice that you’re connection is dropped at around the same time every day, this is most likely due to the fact that UAB is intentionally dropping the connection. Current maximum allowable time is about 3 hours. This helps us keep listening slots open for UAB members who want to listen and avoids slots being taken up by listeners who have left the room or have otherwise stopped listening for one reason or another, but remain connected anyway. Please understand that bandwidth costs money and the more we can conserve, the better it is for everyone.

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·  I noticed that the currently playing track does not match what it says in my media player. Why is this and how do I fix it?

We are well aware of this “undocumented feature”. In fact it’s intentional. This is one of many security features implemented into Utilidors Audio Broadcasting to protect against piracy. As a listener there is no way to change it. To see the currently playing track information please visit UAB’s “Now Playing" console.

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·  I’ve heard about your security features like the one you mentioned above. Can you tell me more about them?

Without getting too much into detail, Utilidors Audio Broadcasting implements several very efficient security methods and countermeasures to protect its interests against piracy. UAB is monitored 24 hours a day seven days a week. Please note that if piracy or any malicious practice is expected, including devising methods to circumvent our security features, this will lead to immediate banning and could lead to disciplinary action, suspension, or permanent removal from the Utilidors Audio Broadcasting community as well as legal action and investigation.

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·  I’m getting an “ic403 Unavailable” Error while attempting to tune into the broadcast Why is this? / I suspect that I’ve been banned. What can I do?

Unfortunately if you find yourself receiving this error message, it means that you probably have been banned from listening to the broadcast and there’s little you can do about it on your end.

If the UAB staff suspects any malicious behavior or piracy, we will take immediate action. Each case however is handled on an individual basis. If you feel you’ve been banned in error, please contact us for a review of the incident. If after the review we feel that the banning was an error, we will go ahead and reinstate your listening capabilities.

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·  Can I acquire any of the content heard on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting in any way? I really like what I hear.

Part of what keeps listeners coming back is our extensive and ever changing library of “requestable material”. It is against policy to redistribute ANYTHING heard on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting unless it is the sole property of Utilidors Audio Broadcasting, at which time we MAY do so at our own discretion. This includes recording the stream or partaking in a practice known as streamripping. If you are suspected of breaching UAB policy in any way, you will be immediately suspended and permanently removed from the UAB community, potentially incurring investigation and legal action.

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·  There are a lot of Disney Broadcasts on the Internet. What is the difference between UAB and others ?

Utilidors audio Broadcasting is maintained by a staff that thoroughly enjoys the sounds, songs, and memories that have been brought to us through MANY visits to Disney’s theme parks. The staff has accrued through purchase hundreds among hundreds of Disney CDs, Tapes and Records within our collection. It’s a collection we’re very proud of. You’ll be able to request and listen to audio not heard anywhere else outside of the parks. But this is just scratching the surface. We treat UAB like a real radio broadcast. This includes Station IDs, Promos, regularly scheduled broadcasts, special programming and all of the fun and entertainment of listening to your favorite radio station at home. UAB prides itself on providing authentic quality Disney vacation themed broadcasting. We think you’ll find it sentimental, memorable, humorous, and all together entertaining unlike any other broadcast of this type anywhere.

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·  Request Timing During Restarts

PLEASE TAKE CONSIDERATION when timing your requests. As we have mentioned the broadcast undergoes a 1 minute restart at 6am, 2pm and 10pm PST. Please use the Request Duration Display as a Guide to ensure your requests, especially those requests costing "Flyer Miles", will not be cut off during the restarts. Under MOST circumstances, "Miles" sacrificed to tracks that are cutoff due to a server restarts will not be replenished....If you feel you'd like to take the risk, we suggest requesting a track that costs 0 Flyer Miles at such times.

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·  Is Utilidors Audio Broadcasting a business entity?

No. Utilidors Audio Broadcasting is not a business entity. UAB is run as a labor of love on a volunteer basis with no salary, payment, or monetary exchanges taking place for services rendered within any part of Utilidors Audio Broadcasting or All server space, bandwidth, and licensing fees are paid for by the staff of UAB, our merchandise sales or donations received by our membership.

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·  Where do the monetary profits from donations and merchandise sales go?

As we’ve mentioned before, UAB is a non-profit entity in the Disney fan-based community. Again, all fees and costs of running UAB are paid for out of pocket. As many of you know, such fees can become pretty extensive, especially as UAB grows. All donations and merchandise profits acquired are placed into an account specifically designed for the preservation, growth and maintenance of Utilidors Audio Broadcasting and its associated fees. At no time will your UAB donations or merchandise transactions be used as payment to anyone on the Utilidors Audio Broadcasting staff.

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·  I really want to become involved in the UAB Broadcast. What can I do to help?

If UAB was a fulltime job, none of us here at UAB would get any sleep. All kidding aside, we’re always looking to get the community involved. There are many ways of getting involved. You can submit a Utilidors Audio Broadcasting voicespot, mentioning the broadcast and sending your own personalized message to the masses (See further on with specific details on how to do this). As you can see on our consoles we use images of attractions to represent each track in our library. If you have an image you would like to submit for a track that is currently without a picture, this would be a GREAT help in assisting us with the completion of our console gallery.

Do you know something about an attraction that doesn’t have an “information” listing yet? Maybe you’d like to add information not yet published on an already existing attraction information listing. Submit your information to Guest Relations and we’ll go ahead and publish it right on the page complete with a credit identifying you as the contributor. This also goes for corrections to already available information. Our goal is to provide the most complete and accurate attraction database anywhere.

We’re always looking for voice talents to help us with programming projects. If you think you’ve got an outgoing voice that can be heard easily by the masses, let us know.

Did you take a really intriguing picture that’s worthy of Desktop Wallpaper status? Send us the image and we’ll go ahead and prepare it for our media section. We’ll go ahead and prepare your photo with your credit and the UAB logo.

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·  I want to submit a StationID/Voicespot. What do I need to do this?

The first and most important things needed are a microphone connected to your computer and your favorite recording software such as Goldwave. The content is really up to you as many of our listeners have gotten pretty creative. Just listen to the broadcast for several examples. Most listeners record our standard ID greeting or some customization of:

“Hi this is (your name or UAB username) from (your city, and/or state) and you are listening to Utilidors Audio Broadcasting”

As you will hear during the broadcast, many people have modified the above in their own creative ways.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind while you are recording.

    Speak in a clear and intelligible voice. Really project what you are saying without yelling at the top of your lungs. Smiling while recording also gives your recording a cheerful outgoing touch. Chances are you’ll feel really embarrassed your first time and make yourself laugh anyway. Overemphasizing words is also helpful.
    Sit about 6 – 8 inches from your microphone. Don’t sit too close where your lips are touching your mic. Don’t sit too far away where the mic can barely pick up what you’re saying.
    Be mindful of the microphone recording volume, many times this can be adjusted by double-clicking on the little yellow speaker next to the clock (if your computer is configured to display one). This will bring up your soundcard mixer. Don’t have it adjusted too high. This will cause a terrible hiss that will otherwise destroy the quality of your recording.
    Do not bump the microphone during recording. Recordings with excessive background noise that can not be edited out can not be used.
    Be careful when pronouncing your P and S sounds. Pronouncing these to close to the mic or with too much emphasis tends to yield a deep popping sound or a high piercing hiss.
Save your file as a high quality mp3 (at least 128K/44100 bitrate). If you aren't familiar with bitrate quality, most software has a "high quality" that you can select. Please listen to your recording and make sure that it is as clean and clear as possible.

If you'd like you can also submit an image that will display on the "Now Playing" page when your Station ID plays. It can be a picture of you, or a group photo, or even a character or attraction. All images are subject to Admin approval.

You can then e-mail your station ID and image to UABadmins.

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·  When I make a request I get a message that says "Requests are Disabled" even though it's during normal rotation. Why is this?

In an effort to keep the queue at a manageable length, any time the queue exceeds 2 hours we will disable requests until the queue length falls below 1 hour 30 minutes.  At that time normal requests will resume unless it's during a show.

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Utilidors Audio Broadcasting / / are in no way affiliated with, endorsed or promoted by the Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries.

All Music and requestable media Copyright the Walt Disney Company or their respective artists / Composers.

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