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Utilidors Audio Broadcasting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> Terms of Service

·  Guidelines / Rules

·  Guidelines / Rules

1. You are encouraged to register with Utilidors Audio Broadcasting in order to experience it to the fullest extent. Certain content on the site is ONLY available to registered users. Also, as a registered user you may customize your homepage to whatever sections of Utilidors Audio Broadcasting interest you. You may also create your own customized “Personal Menu”, filling it with links of regularly visited sections of Utilidors Audio Broadcasting or other points of interest on the Internet.  You must register in order to post to the forums.

2. UAB’s content is of a PG rating. Profanity, in most cases, will not be tolerated on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting. We are of the belief that ALL debates, discussions, and other communications occurring within this community can be discussed in a civil manner with many points being brought up without personal and unnecessary controversy. Utilidors Audio Broadcasting is equipped to censor profanity to the best of its ability and will not permit messages containing inappropriate language to be posted. Please do not try to language mask in order to get by this feature. Doing so will lead to necessary action and possible suspension or permanent removal from the community. 

3. We will not tolerate inflammatory language aimed at other members that could be construed as demeaning to one's race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, physical disability, or gender. Any breach of this rule will be grounds for immediate removal of ones membership from Utilidors Audio Broadcasting.

4. We will not tolerate profanity, obscenities, or threats directed at another person or group. This is cause for immediate removal of your membership.

5. Trolling will not be tolerated in the forums. While we do encourage controversial conversations, we do hope they remain civil. Trolling, and trolling with the sole purpose of angering another member will not be tolerated and as such will be grounds for immediate action or removal from the community.

6. Sock Puppeting, that is, posting on one's account to support one's own claims originally submitted on another account (Anonymous or otherwise) will not be tolerated.

7. Moderators have been chosen on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting to oversee the forums. Moderators have the authority to delete or edit posts as needed, based on the above guidelines. Moderators act with the full authority of Utilidors Audio Broadcastings owners, and their decisions on all matters (in most cases) are final.

8. You are free to post a link to your web site on the forums, provided that a) you are not offering a commercial service or for profit venture or b) you do not repeatedly and excessively post the same link over and over again on the forums within our site. From time to time you might wish to post links to other sites that contain information not found here on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting. While we encourage this, we ask that you please make sure the information is not already contained on our site.

9. By using the Broadcast service, all UAB members and guests agree to abide by all Rules and Policies implemented therein. This includes absolutely NO piracy of any content airing on the Broadcast or content depicted on the Utilidors Audio Broadcasting website. This includes, but is not limited to, circumventing any security measures in place in order to rip the broadcast for personal use. Doing so will be cause for immediate forfeit of membership from the Utilidors Audio Broadcasting Community and all it's features.

10. The use of multiple IP addresses or multiple member accounts to circumvent the request limits or site rules is prohibited. Violators will be subject to temporary and/or permanent banning from the site and broadcast. Site rules are in place to ensure equal access to all and provide an even playing field for everyone's listening pleasure.

Please note that breaching any of any of the above Terms of Service will be considered grounds for possible and/or immediate termination of membership from Utilidors Audio Broadcasting. If you have any questions please let us know by e-mailing UABadmins. Thank you, The Utilidors Audio Broadcasting Team

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Utilidors Audio Broadcasting / / are in no way affiliated with, endorsed or promoted by the Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries.

All Music and requestable media Copyright the Walt Disney Company or their respective artists / Composers.

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